Rochefort : 2 Cafétérias 1 laverie de vaisselle

A listed building? The aerial tray conveyor, the technological solution. 2 cafeterias, a single dishwashing area, a mandatory ceiling passage, complex architectural constraints, up to 2,500 meals per service

Rochefort Air Base 721, created in 1931, is a historic Air Force site. In 1980 the new buildings were inaugurated, designed by the architect Pierre André DUFETEL. The buildings are classified as historical monuments. We took up a technical challenge that was all the more difficult as the architectural constraints due to the classification of […]

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coronavirus processus de fabrication et de test adaptés

COVID 19 – VALIDEX remains at your service!

Facing Covid-19, the priority is to preserve everyone’s health and help limit the impact of the virus. In this complicated and unprecedented context, VALIDEX team is getting organized to maintain, as much as possible, its activities by setting up telework and by reorganizing the operation of the workshop to make it compatible with barrier gestures […]

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coronavirus processus de fabrication et de test adaptés

Covid 19 – VALIDEX работает для вас!

Во время эпидемии Covid-19 наш приоритет – беречь здоровье каждого и помочь ограничить воздействие вируса. В этом сложном и беспрецедентном контексте, команда VALIDEX организует свою работу таким образом, чтобы поддержать свою деятельность, насколько это возможно, – путем внедрения удаленной работы и реорганизации функционирования производства, в соответствии с барьерными жестами и соблюдением мер санитарной безопасности. В […]

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eco responsable

Catering: combining energy savings and eco-responsibility

How to reconcile energy saving and eco-responsibility when you are a restaurant owner? Restaurant owner are more and more sensitive to energy consumption. It is true that it represents an important expense in their budget. They are aware of the ecological issue and are involved daily in finding greener solutions, while saving money. Aware of […]

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